What's New
- 3/20/2000
- It is the first day of Spring Break, and I am stuck at home due to lack of cash. While this may not be my first choice of vacations, it does allow me more time to work on
my web page. I essentially started from scratch, designing the layout and putting up a basic framework for the whole shebang.
- 3/21/2000
- Day two of break, and still chugging away at the basic framework. I have filled in a few links and added the finishing touches to the framework. Now comes a lot of data entry. Joy above all others.
- 3/22/2000
- Day three of break, and the framework is once again the main thing I have worked on. Several bugs have been fixed, and a few more bits of data entry have been finished. Still, lots of data entry looms ahead. C'est la vie.

Copyright 2000
Nimchuk, Inc.
St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A.